We recommends that you only send messages that do not exceed 500KB to ensure the best chance of delivery. If you send us messages that are larger than the allowable size, you'll receive an error code 4411: Combined size of media too large.
For toll-free (TF) MMS messages that are larger than the allowable size, you'll also receive an error code 4411: Combined size of media too large. We recommends that you modify the sent files to the allowable size.
Platform | Total message size (including media) | External media | Stored media | Number of attachments |
Local MMS | 1000 characters (recommended) + 3.5 MB total of all media files per message | 3.5 MB | 3.5 MB | Maximum 10 attachments |
Toll-free MMS | 1000 characters (recommended) + 525 KB total of all media files per message |
| Maximum 10 attachments |